January 2014 Grocery Bill

This is the first month since we started tracking our weekly expenses. As of the end of January, we spent $151.49 which included a $40 Costco run. It has been very, very cold and driving conditions has been terrible, which prevented us from going out to eat. We spent $0 eating out in January. This will probably change when the weather warms up and we will have more opportunities to go outside.

Also, Mrs Y had her four wisdom teeth taken out a few weeks ago, resulting in less food consumption. Starting in the middle of 2013, we had reduced our trips to Costco. We are trying to limit the number of trips to once a month. With the increasing number of shopping apps on the phone and in addition to coupons, those helped a little in saving more money as well. With the help of savings/couponing blogs out there, we were even able to save money at Whole Foods (spent $4 on $30 worth of food).

Even though we had been doing this for years, we still continue to only buy sale items in stores every week. I know some people would argue that shopping at multiple stores wastes time and gas. However, all the stores we go are within a 5 miles radius, so gas and time is not really an issue.

Our $151 monthly spending resulted in an average of about $30 per week. Not too bad for the first month of the year. But then again, we did stock up on frozen meats (chicken breasts, pork, and chicken wings) in the month of December and are still eating through those. February will probably be higher in expenses as we replenish our food supplies. We will see how we do in the next month.


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